Give Three Cheers for National Dental Hygiene Month
added on: October 24, 2019

October is known for a lot of things, but it’s the one month set aside each year to give a little bit of extra love to all of the immensely talented, caring dental hygienists out there. There are so many of them across the country whose work goes unnoticed or… Read More…

Everyone Can Do These Three Things to Relax at the Dentist
added on: October 16, 2019
young woman in dental chair

Your dentist in Highland Park knows how incredibly unnerving a trip to have your teeth checked or cleaned can be for some patients. If this sounds like you, it’s essential to know that you’re not alone. Besides the fact that millions of Americans struggle with anxiety about seeing the dentist,… Read More…

The Top 3 Most Damaging Sports for Smiles
added on: September 30, 2019
kids playing lacrosse

Your dentist in Highland Park is all about patients getting exercise and engaging in sports. It’s good for your body, mind, and spirit. However, there are quite a few sports that put your smile in danger every time you suit up. Some sports, for various reasons, put your teeth at… Read More…

Think You Can Straighten Your Smile Through the Mail? Think Again!
added on: September 17, 2019
woman with clear dental aligner

Every time you turn on the TV these days or read something online, there seems to be an ad for do-it-yourself or DIY teeth aligners. They promise a straighter smile without a trip to see a trained professional. Your dentist in Highland Park will tell you to be cautious about… Read More…

Fluoride For a Healthy Smile
added on: August 15, 2019
dental office - Smile Group of Highland Park

When it comes to the oral health of you and your family, you may have heard about the importance of fluoride. You may have also heard a few arguments against it. At our dental office in Highland Park, we want to take the opportunity to talk a little bit about… Read More…

Different Types of Dental Floss
added on: July 30, 2019
dental floss

When it comes to great oral health, you’ll often hear your dentist in Highland Park talk a lot about proper brushing and the importance of doing it every day. But there’s a good chance your dental team also talks to you about why you should be flossing every day. And… Read More…

Can Swimming Pools Affect Your Smile?
added on: July 22, 2019
kids swimming

Swimming pools may seem like an odd thing for your dentist in Highland Park to talk about, but besides being a long-time summer favorite and a relaxing escape from the heat, swimming pools may actually pose an unwanted threat to your teeth. Now, before you forego all pools this summer… Read More…

Do Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed?
added on: June 21, 2019
dental hero image - Smile Group of Highland Park

Wisdom teeth can be a pesky problem, whether they need to be removed or not. While there are times when your dentist in Highland Park may suggest keeping wisdom teeth around, it’s most common to have wisdom teeth removed. In fact, over 90% of Americans have their wisdom teeth removed…. Read More…

Gum Disease & Your Overall Health
added on: June 10, 2019
dental hero image - Smile Group of Highland Park

Your dental care isn’t only about your teeth. Your gums also play a key role in not only the health of your mouth but also the health of your body. At our dental office in Highland Park, we care for your entire mouth and are always on the lookout for… Read More…

I’m Pregnant and Nervous About Seeing the Dentist. Help!
added on: May 15, 2019
hero image - Smile Group of Highland Park

There are so many new questions and complications that can arise when you find out you’re expecting a little one. It’s such a beautiful time and moment in an expectant mother’s life, and we want you to be able to relax and enjoy all of the positive sides of pregnancy…. Read More…

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